Five Quick tips for Effective Meetings that yield Results

This post is in continuity with Managing Expectations and Staying on Track with Meetings and here are some quick tips to conduct meetings that yield results in order of priority

Set Agenda

Make sure it's set before you meet. It could be associated with recurring objectives or project at hand. For example, 1. Quarterly Goals 2. Improve Portal Conversion

Stick to Agenda

If any million dollar idea just hit your mind. Just note that down, do some homework and then discuss that in a different meeting or notify participants in advance.

Reduce Participants

Keep distractions and the time to reach a decision to minimum by reducing participants. Never invite people just to keep them in loop.

Assign Action Items

Before the meeting is over. Every participant should clearly know the Action Items, the tasks to be completed (or achieve decided progress) before the next meeting.

Follow up on Action Items

Make sure you start your meeting with the follow up of prior meeting and flag items that were completed during the time


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